Thursday, July 23, 2009

Health Risks of Being Overweight

Being overweight in many people’s eyes is just something that affects the way you look. Most people think that the only downside of being overweight is looking chubby or fat. Although this can be true, it is also important to know that being overweight can drastically affect your health as well.

Do not think that being overweight just changes the way you look.

This is why it is so important to maintain a healthy weight and be fit. Being obese or overweight will not only cause you to look unhealthy, it will also cause you to feel and be simply unhealthy.

If you are overweight you are increasing your chances of getting many diseases and sicknesses. Some examples are diabetes, heart disease and stroke, cancer, gallbladder disease, and liver disease.


Diabetes is a serious problem for many overweight people. This disease is responsible for coronary heart disease, stroke, blindness and many more problems. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.

Diabetes is caused when your blood sugar levels are much higher than normal.

I have had a few friends that have suffered from this and it is not a pretty sight. Once you get it there is a good chance that you can die from it. In the United States obesity is starting to become a very serious problem.

How to Be Healthy

I have talked about this topic many times on this blog. Being healthy is very important for your life. It makes you look better, feel better and live longer.

One of the big reasons why today’s society is growing unhealthy is because of the fact that we poison our bodies with the food we eat. Fast food and frozen food have become the common types of foods that we eat.

Our world is moving too fast and no one takes the time to eat a healthy meal. There is nothing wrong with eating fast food every once in a while but it should be treated with extreme care.

If you need some more information on how to eat a healthy diet, try reading this post that I wrote.

Eating a Healthy Diet


The number two reason why we are becoming overweight is because we are so lazy. We would rather drive a car then walk, and we spend way too much time on computers and watching TV. This is perfectly fine as long as you balance it out. The problem is that most people do not do any extra exercise at all.

Buy a treadmill or get a gym membership. Once you start working out and getting in shape you will feel so much better. I used to be one of those lazy people and now I would never go back. I simply look and feel too great at this point to go back to my old unhealthy ways.

Read this post for more information on exercising.

Exercise To lose Weight

Diet Pills

Diet pills are an option if you drastically need to lose weight. I would not recommend using these unless you are in a life threatening situation.

I have talked a little bit about diet and weight loss pills on this blog before but I try to stick to more natural ways of getting things done.

If however you really need to lose the weight there is no shame in taking these pills as long as you really need them.

If you want to see if weight loss pills are right for you, read this first.

Losing Weight With Diet Pills

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lose Weight with Weight Loss Pills

Before I dive into this post I want to make a few clear statements because this method of weight loss is different than the others that I usually talk about on this website. First off when you take weight loss pills you are causing your body to lose weight in an unnatural way. This in return is not healthy for you at all.

Many weight loss brands and pills are untested and highly unsafe. They have many side effects and can cost you a lot of money at the same time. Many of them will not even work at all

anyways. If they end up making you sick then that is a risk that you are going to have to take.
You are going to have to make a decision on what route you are going to take.

I personally recommend taking the more natural approach to losing weight as it is much safer and healthier. You need to take care of your body. If you want to lose weight in a more natural way then check out some other posts I did on this blog.

Exercise and Lose Weight

How To Eat a Healthy Diet

Losing weight naturally is by changing your diet, lifestyle and exercising. It may take longer but in my opinion it is much safer. You will also feel much better as a result.
Well with that out of the way let’s go on to talk about diet pills.

Weight Loss Pills

The majority of weight loss pills that have been tested and do work are usually prescribed pills. These are pills that you are going to have to get a prescription in order to take. This means that you will need to go see a doctor so that you can take them.

There are two kinds of weight loss pills that you can get. There are ones that are called prescribed pills and ones that no one really knows about called over the counter pills.

Over the counter pills have not been tested by the FDA and this means that no one really knows officially what they do. The label may say that they will cause you to lose weight but this is not always the case. Usually these pills will just cause you to feel sick. They can work but in most cases they are just plain bad for you.

Doctors recommend that you only take weight loss pills if you are dangerously over weight and need to lose it fast. This is how prescribed pills were invented. For some reason though people use them even when they do not really need to.

Weight lose pills will generally cause you to lose weight. This means that they will work but you never know what they can do to you as side effects.

If you are thinking about taking this route on losing weight consult a doctor and make sure that what you are taking is okay for you. There are many serious side effects of these pills and everyone’s body is going to act differently.

Some examples of popular weight lose pills are Merida and the Hoodia diet patch. The Hoodia diet patch is starting to become fairly popular because of the fact that it works.

It is used to stop your brain from sending signals in your stomach to consume food. As a result you will eat less and your body will basically be put into survival mode.

Weight loss and diet pills are not generally recommended but they do work in most cases.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Exercising and Losing Weight

One of the most effective ways that you can lose weight is by simply exercising. Exercising regularly for 30 minutes or so every other day will make a huge difference in how you look and the way you feel both mentally and physically.

This page is going to talk about what exercises work the best and how to go about doing them. I will also briefly talk about scheduling a workout.

How to Exercise

The problem with exercising is that many people do not know how to go about doing it. It all depends on what reasons you are doing it for. If you are trying to gain muscle and build strength you’re exercising and workout routine will concentrate more on lifting weights.

If you are looking to just lose weight then you are going to want to focus more on burning fat.

You need to figure out what exactly you intend on doing with your workout routine before you can even start it. I recommend that if you are trying to lose weight and get back into shape you do a combination of the two.

This means that you are going to be doing fat burning exercises and a few weight lifting exercises along with it. Lifting weights is great because it will really change the way your body looks. You may be able to lose that weight but your body will not get defined unless you start lifting weights.

What Exercises Burn Fat?

The best exercises that burn fat are cardio exercises. If you are unfamiliar with the term, cardio is basically anything that is going to get your heart rate up. These exercises are great because they keep your heart strong and burn off a lot of fat at the same. Cardio can add years onto your life if you do it, and you will feel in much more better shape as a result.

Some examples of common cardio exercises are running, walking, biking, swimming, and jogging, and so on. Anything that is going to get you tired or sweating is considered to be cardio.

If you are thinking of putting on some muscle then you should consider buying a set of dumbbells. You do not need any machines or any kind of expensive equipment. Stand alone weights tend to work the best. You could also try doing push-ups and sit-ups as well.

How to Create an Exercising Schedule

Popular belief is that the more you exercise the stronger and faster you will get. This is however only half true. Something that a lot of people are unaware of is rest and sleep. The most important part of exercising and building muscle is to get enough sleep and rest.

When you create your schedule make sure you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night. The amount that you need is going to very but the average amount for most people is 8. This is a very important step and without it you are going to most likely fail and give up.

Once you figure out a plan so that you can get enough sleep you need to get enough rest as well. Sleep and rest is not the same thing. Rest is called an “off day” and this is when you do no physical activity at all. This is so that your muscles are given time to rest.

You should have an off day at least after every day you work out. So for example, if you did a workout on Monday, Tuesday is going to be an off day. Then you can keep doing that, and you will only basically be exercising for about 3-4 times a week.

This is probably the best way to go about doing things. This way your body gets enough rest and you do not wear yourself out.

If you need help or have any questions or concerns leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail and I will be glad to help you out.

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Eat a Healthy Diet

The reason why eating a healthy diet is so important is because nowadays people poison their body with all of the fast food they intake. Today’s society is very busy and almost no one takes the time to eat a healthy home cooked meal.

As a result many people are damaging their bodies and introducing more threats to themselves. Eating unhealthy can lead to many problems. Gaining weight is probably the most important side effect of unhealthy food eating that you are probably aware of.

In order to maintain a healthy weight you need to make sure that you are eating the right kinds of food. This page will give a few tips on how to eat a healthy diet.

Some common types of diets that are well known are the Fat Burning Soup Diet, and the Alkaline Fruit Diet.

What is a Healthy Diet?

There have been many debates over what exactly a healthy diet is. Many people say that you should just eat fruits and vegetables, while others say to eat lots of starchy foods. Some people also believe that you should not eat any fat at all.

The problem with lots of these beliefs is that they are only half true. You do need to eat fruits and vegetables and you do need to reduce the amount of fat you intake, however it is very unhealthy to completely eliminate it from your diet.

A healthy diet is a balanced diet, and a balanced diet is something that gives you everything of what you need in moderate amounts. This means that you still need to eat every type of food group out there you just need to make sure that you are not eating strictly just one.

If you are eating a lot of fatty and greasy foods then you are not giving your body what it needs in order to maintain a decent weight. Try adding things to your diet such as fruits and vegetables, milk, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.

Tips for Eating a Healthy Diet

Try eating dark green vegetables as these are much healthier for you. Avoid cooking your vegetables as well since this will take away many of the nutrients in them. They may taste a little bit better but this makes them just a little bit unhealthier. Try using a combination of cooked and raw vegetables if you need to, as this will work just as well.

You do not need to completely eliminate fatty food from your diet, but if you consume too much of it you may need to reduce it. Even limiting it to two times a week that you are allowed fast food will be a large improvement for most people.

The trick is too slowly encourage your new habits and eliminate the old ones at the same time. You won’t be able to just switch over in a week. It will probably take you a few months to completely eliminate your bad eating habits. This is perfectly normal though and if this happens for you, there is nothing wrong with it.

Foods such as fish, and meat should all be lean. This will help you eliminate the extra fat that is included in these kinds of products. Also try to get rid of frozen foods in your diets. TV dinners and quick meals are generally not good for you.

The reason why most people have a hard time eating a healthy diet is because once they start to eat healthy they do not stick to it. You are going to have to stick to your diet plan if you hope to live a healthier lifestyle and stay at a happy weight.

Try writing it down in your daily planner and reading it every day over to yourself. This way you can stay on track and stay focused at the same time.

It may take a few months but you will start to see results. Those who put in the most effort and work will get the best results as well.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How to lose Weight Fast Naturally

Many people who are seeking to lose weight go about doing it the wrong way. Weight loss pills and weight loss fad diets will help you lose weight, but they go about doing it in an unnatural and unhealthy way.

If you are seeking to lose weight in a healthy and natural way then you have come to the correct place. This post is going to cover a few ways on how you can lose weight in a natural and healthy way. Hopefully it will benefit you in one way or another.
Here are some tips for losing weight naturally.

A healthy lifestyle

The first thing that you are going to need to do is figure out what a healthy lifestyle is. You need to determine if your current lifestyle is a good or a bad choice on your behalf. Usually the reason why people are overweight or not happy with the way they look is because they just simply make bad decisions in life.

Sometimes these choices can be unavoidable and sometimes we do not even know that they are bad for us. However, at most times we know that eating junk food and being lazy is bad for our bodies and health but we still do it anyways.

In order to have a healthy lifestyle you need to be making the right choices. You are going to need to be disciplined and have a lot of patience.

This first thing that you are going to need to fix is your diet.

A Healthy Diet

In most cases, the reason why people put on so much weight is because of the way they eat. If you eat a lot of bad food then you are going to gain weight and be unhealthy.

A healthy diet does not have to necessarily be strictly all fruits and vegetables and no junk food. All you need to do is eliminate a majority of the bad food you eat. When you go about doing this, do it in small steps.

Do not try to totally reshape your diet in one day, because you will probably end up giving in. You need to casually switch your eating habits.

Try to get food from all of the four food groups and increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Pay attention to how many calories you are consuming each day. Last but not least, stop eating junk food or reduce the quality you intake; it is very bad for you.


Many people believe that in order to lose weight and be healthy you need to take diet pills and stop eating. This is completely far from the truth and the words of a lazy person.

Exercise almost on its own can help you reduce weight just like that. It is a very powerful thing to do and it is fairly addicting. You may think, how can exercise be addicting, its work. Well, it is work but the satisfaction that you get from it and the results will encourage you enough to do it.
Although you will not get results right away, if you continue to work at it you will start to feel better and be much more active. Overtime you will start to see results and you will love every second of it.

Some of the best exercises that you can do are cardio. Doing a run every second or third day for 30 minutes will make a huge difference on how you look and how much energy you will have.

If you do not like running in public you can always buy a treadmill. These machines work just as good and will get the job done. The only problem with treadmills is that they can be a little bit costly.


The last tips for this formula of success to work are to be consistent. You must keep working at it even when you think that you are going nowhere.

There are going to be times when it will be tough and when you are going to want to quit. This is perfectly normal and everyone experiences this. In order to see results and make a difference you are going to have to give it time.
It may even take up to a month before you start to lose weight but this is what it takes.